Annual Harvest Lunch 2023 – Sat 4th November – 11am to 3pm
Martinstown Village Hall – St Martins Field – DT2 9JU
Please put the date in your diary for the Harvest lunch 2023. This is our biggest event of the year and is great fun for so many of us to get together. The lunch will be a ‘bring and share’ so please bring along a contribution of your choice. The day is an opportunity for LETS members to meet, socialise and trade; new members are especially welcomed and may meet their first trading contact.
Those who are able to arrive on time please be willing to help set up tables, it will be greatly appreciated. Tea, Coffee and Juice will be available for donations which will help pay for sterling costs. Why not bring along a recently hand-made Art or Craft item or home-made/home-grown produce? You will have the opportunity to put them into a competition and win 20 Marts in each category.
This day is a good opportunity to have a ‘spring clean’ at home and bring along unwanted presents, good quality clothes, linen, plants, seeds, books, toys, electricals, DVD’s CD’s, Art & Craft etc to trade. Please label your items with your name and Marts requested
11.00am- Arrivals and set up
11.30am- Cafe opens, trading begins
12.40pm– Competition closed
12.45pm- Shared lunch. Followed by Competition
winners announced
2.00pm- Julie Ann Booker will talk on Local and
National goings on with X.R.
2.20pm- Take down stalls and clear up
3.00pm- Get Out
Contact: Katy Murrell – Events Coordinator – 07966 308154
Email: katy_murrell@hotmail.com