In the Garden

Save money and energy in the garden by:

  • Making a home made compost bin. The compost is good for pots, flower or vegetable beds, and saves collection and processing of waste.
  • Collecting rainwater with a simple diverter on the downpipe. This gives you pure water for the plants but also saves money on the water bills
  • Growing your own vegetables. Why not try a few in a tub or make a special bed for them if you have the space? It is so rewarding to pick what you have grown yourself. It is good to know how things grow and is good for you!
  • Taking your own cuttings and saving seeds is very easy and provides new plants for free!
  • Swapping plants, cuttings and seeds with friends and neighbours. It’s fun and builds friendship – and it is free!
  • Make your own fertiliser from nettles soaked in water for a couple of weeks. Smelly but it works!
  • Grow your own herbs in a tub outside the back door.
  • Composting
  • Take your garden waste to the church compost

Ever thought about foraging? 

Now is a good time to explore our country side…

Conserve Water

An estimated 50% of all household water usage is wasted. It goes down the drain while we wait for it to warm up, so why not collect it and use it in the garden or for watering houseplants? In an era when our fresh water supply is diminishing due to pollution and drought, it’s important to conserve all the water we can, as well as learn about and put to use greywater recycling practices. Here are 120 ways to conserve energy!