Our house may be called Four Acres but actually it is only 0.7. None the less that is a lot of garden for two people and we have long been aware that there are areas of the garden into which we rarely venture, except to mow. One is a square of lawn tucked behind the garage with the road bordering one side and the gravel drive the other.
So when we joined the Green Martinstown initiative, it made sense to offer this space as an allotment, and within a day of mentioning it to the Green Martinstown committee, Annie and Sam were offering to take it on.
It has been a great joy to see the space coming to life, and because Annie is involved, it is already charming with bunting, paving stones, a bench and a runner bean frame erected which doubles as a privacy screen.
Annie and Sam plan to fill the allotment with salad, flowers and vegetables and we have even been promised a share. As far as we can see it is a win/win.
If you have a garden you would like to share please let us know, as we have had requests from people looking to have a garden space to grow vegetables and flowers – and be more self-sufficient.