The Green Living Project is a process of ongoing practical education on different daily living topics, using the Green Living Guide, created in 2019 from an original document by Transition Towns Totnes. A group of Green Martinstown members met together as a GLP, pilot group once a month for 7 months with the aim to […]
Category: V&V Magazine
Article from the V&V Magazine
Valley & Valance June/July 2023
The Great Big Dorset HedgeSurveying our hedges in Martinstown Parish has begun!We have a team of 8 Green Martinstowners surveying our precious hedges as part of the Dorset Climate Action Network’s Dorset wide project, the Great Big Dorset Hedge. The survey records what species of tree are in the hedge, its height and depth, the […]
Ponds for Wildlife
It’s a sad fact that much of our UK wildlife is struggling due to habitat fragmentation or loss, coupled with the impacts of climate change. So what can we do? Many of our most trusted and knowledgeable wildlife and gardening organisations tell us that creating a wildlife pond can be of immense value to our […]
Community Compost Heaps
As the gardening season gets into full Spring swing here is a reminder that there are three active compost heaps in the church graveyard. Uncooked food and garden waste can be taken there and added to the pile as indicated on the notices. You are also welcome to take a bag or two of finished […]
Seed Swap
The next time you are passing the telephone box you may like to pop in and see the new seed swap! A new Green Martinstown venture! If you have any spare seeds – often we only use a small part of any packet of seeds – you are welcome to add them to the collection […]