Category: V&V Magazine

Article from the V&V Magazine

Valley and Valence September 2023

Hedges, Wildlife, Farms and Government –John CalderSupper Evening with Bar28th October 2023 • 7.00pmMartinstown Village Hall£15.00 Tickets on sale at the village store. Green Martinstown World Renowned Supper Evening. Well perhaps not world renowned but nevertheless developing a formidable reputation for the high quality of supper! Our guest speaker will be John Calder, Project Manager […]

Ponds for Wildlife

It’s a sad fact that much of our UK wildlife is struggling due to habitat fragmentation or loss, coupled with the impacts of climate change. So what can we do? Many of our most trusted and knowledgeable wildlife and gardening organisations tell us that creating a wildlife pond can be of immense value to our […]

Seed Swap

The next time you are passing the telephone box you may like to pop in and see the new seed swap! A new Green Martinstown venture! If you have any spare seeds – often we only use a small part of any packet of seeds – you are welcome to add them to the collection […]

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