Author: Heather
Mulch the 70 platinum canopy trees – This Saturday 25th March 2023!
This Saturday 25 March 2023 at 10 am Meet at the trees Please bring something to carry bark chippings e.g. buckets, big plastic plant pots, maybe trowel or shovel, gardening gloves. All welcome, including friends and family, The more the merrier! The bark chippings will be in piles near the trees. We will take some […]
Agenda – Members Meeting 21 March 2023
a. River Winterbourne – Citizen Science study Andy/Louisa Liaise with Local Flood Authority and Village Flood group in Martinstown Sewage overflow, new housing etc all affect the river Jane c. Great Big Dorset Hedge – volunteer surveyors and coordinators needed See 6 minute video in You Tube clip, Colin Click here for […]
Members Meeting 21 March 2023
Our next Green Martinstown Member’s meeting is on 21st March in the village shop at 7.00pm where there will be drinks and nibbles to aid the planning of upcoming projects. During the next months there are plans for a plant sale, a wild-life survey of the graveyard for children and adults and we are embarking on a Citizen Science study […]
Bring Our Rivers Back To Life Petition
As we begin our citizen Science study of our precious chalk stream – this may be of interest. All of England’s rivers have failed quality tests for pollution, and the River Thames has some of the highest levels of microplastics of all rivers on the planet. Our rivers, essential to our survival, are choked with […]
Hedgehogs Morning
An invitation for the children of the village! An informative and fun morning of Hedgehog facts, games and artwork: Saturday 11 March 10 – 12 Martinstown Village Hall. If you would like to find out all about hedgehogs and learn what we can do in our gardens and green spaces to give them a helping […]
Banning Plastic Packaging Petition
Dear Green Martinstown members Hello to you! I just signed the petition “Remove plastic packaging from supermarket fruit and veg” and wanted to ask if you could add your name too. This campaign seems at least a start in the right direction. (France is doing even better! see below) We are calling for all […]
Hedge Watering Helpers Needed.
Dear All, Following on from a very successful planting weekend we need to organise a watering rota! We will start in April and run through to the end of September. The village hall now has a hose and there are watering cans. A good water once a week should be sufficient; obviously less if we […]
Playground Hedge
What a wonderful day we had on planting the hedge around the playground. A fantastic collaboration between the Parish Council, the Village Hall Committee and Green Martinstown. Well done and thank you to those 15 people who came and offered their labour, their home-made cakes and their willingness! The playground will look so much better once the […]
Bird Boxes
On February 4th Green Martinstown hosted a morning of Birdbox Making in the Village Hall for the children and parents of the valley. Differently designed kits of bird nesting boxes for Robins, Blue Tits/Nuthatches and Sparrows were all ready for the children to assemble. The hall was buzzing with the sounds of children, electric screwdrivers, […]